Martin Tomky

Ja tak isto hodnotím túto firmu všetkými piatimi. Z Pega Car som kupoval moje prvé auto a lepšie som spraviť ani nemohol. Pán Gál bol ochotný od začiatku čo som ho kontaktoval, milý prístup, komunikácia, profesionalita a samozrejme, keďže auto bolo dovezené s vybavovaním to bolo trocha zložitejšie a stále bol ochotný poradiť s postupom vybavovania. Určite pri najbližšej kúpe auta budem kontaktovať túto firmu ešte raz. ODPORÚČAM! Nech sa darí. (Translated by Google) I also rate this company with all five. I bought my first car from Pega Car and I couldn’t do better. Mr. Gál was willing from the beginning after I contacted him, kind approach, communication, professionalism and of course, since the car was imported with equipment it was a bit more complicated and he was still willing to advise on the procedure. I will definitely contact this company again at the next purchase of the car. Recommended! Good luck.