Miloš Čopan

Pana Gala som oslovil so ziadostou na dovoz rodinneho auta Seat Alhambra. Po spisani mojich poziadaviek a podpisani zmluvy, dalsi proces prebehol relativne rychlo bez zbytocneho natahovania a to i napriek situacii s pandemiou. Na panovi Galovi vysoko hodnotim jeho ferovy pristup a profesionalnu komunikaciu. Aj po dovezeni auta, drobne nedostatky boli promptne vyriesene. S firmou PEGA CAR mam velmi dobru skusenost a urcite aj v buducnosti vyuzijem ich sluzby. (Translated by Google) I approached Mr Gala with a request to import a Seat Alhambra family car. After writing my demands and signing the contract, the next process went relatively quickly without unnecessary stretching, despite the situation with the pandemic. I highly appreciate Mr. Gala’s approach and professional communication. Even after the import of the car, minor deficiencies were promptly resolved. I have a very good experience with the company PEGA CAR and I will definitely use their services in the future as well.